Thursday, February 21, 2013

Twitter and me

My experiences twitter in class have been troubling to say the least. First one of my classmates blocked my account, so twitter decided to block me and then I couldn't access my account for the rest of the week. Also when we did the quiz in class for some reason my account was very slow to load, so I didn't get to see the posts people were making until 30 seconds or a minute after they posted them. Maybe that was just a product of being blocked, I don't know but it still made it difficult to keep up with the class. We used the tweetdeck during the quiz which I liked a lot because it only put the stuff on their that had to do with the class, if you haven't used it yet you should. In my previous experiences with twitter I have never used it as a learning tool or something to help other people learn with. It has always been used as just another social networking site.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The final frontier

This assignment we did was for our education class, it was to discuss the difficulties of integrating technology into the classroom, and to work with a group where we all put in equal amounts of work. What the article said to me was that if you don't integrate technology into your classroom then they will bring in some one that will and remove you. The experience of the collaboration was a new one because usually I'm a person that does almost everything or I'm in a group with some one that does and with this we all worked together equally in this project using Google drive. the Google drive made it possible for us to work together to do the project at different times so if i worked on it at 8 in the morning then my partner could see what I did and add to it or change it when he got on and looked at it. This is the final product and if you want you can look at what my partners, Stephen and Matt, thought about the project and what we did.